Advantages Of Studying Abroad During High School

20 October 2021
 Categories: , Blog


Have you ever wanted to try new foods, learn a language, or experience how another country lives—all while still getting a high school education? Study abroad programs are the key to making this lifestyle possible. A great choice for students looking to broaden their horizons, studying abroad during high school can be a life-changing experience that will positively impact a student well into their adult life. Keep reading to learn more about some of the reasons why teenagers will benefit from spending a year overseas.

Receive College Credit and Shine on Applications

For students interested in attending university, many study abroad programs offer college credit for specific, approved courses. Students will be able to attend unique, interesting classes in fields that they may want to pursue once they reach university. This creates a wonderful opportunity for students to gain college experience before they have even graduated from high school. Listing the study abroad program on college applications will also help students stand out from the crowd. College admissions officers like to see overseas programs on applications because it demonstrates that the student is proactive, outgoing, and invested in their personal development. 

A Stepping Stone Before Adulthood

Gaining confidence, independence, and self-awareness is how students begin to grow and mature emotionally, especially in high school. Leaving family for a year to live abroad overseas can be daunting at first, but the experience will help prepare students for a rewarding college experience. Students will learn how to thrive on their own and take care of their personal needs, which can be a great source of pride for many teenagers and can help boost self-esteem. Study abroad programs are a wonderful stepping stone for students before they leave for college.

Discover New Experiences

High school is the perfect time to study abroad, experience other cultures, and make lifelong friends in other countries. Once students graduate from college and start working at a job, it can be difficult to find extended periods of time to travel. Teenagers have boundless energy that pairs well with the opportunities a study abroad program brings—students are guaranteed to make memories that will last a lifetime. For students interested in learning a language, living in another country is the best way to achieve this goal. Total immersion into a culture gives teenagers a true opportunity to learn to speak, read, and write in a new language. Enroll in a high school gap year study abroad program today and take advantage of the freedoms these programs offer to students.