Questions You May Have About Sending Your Child To A Private School

30 December 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Are you the parent of a young child? Are you trying to decide how he or she can receive the best possible education? Instead of moving to another city to have your child attend a different public school system, you should also check out the private schools in your area. Of course, you probably have questions that you want to ask before you make any decisions. Here are some of the most common questions and their answers:  Read More 

Why You Might Want To Send Your Son To An All Boy’s School

8 December 2015
 Categories: , Blog

There is a growing body of research that has found that boys learn differently from girls. Therefore, if your son has been struggling in a co-ed school, you may want to consider sending your boy to a school for boys. These schools focus on preparing boys for one of the several routes into manhood. Boys Learn Differently Part of the reason why co-ed schools often fail boys is because boys are hardwired to learn using visuals and movement more than with simply words. Read More